As we all know bTombola/b Bingo has recently taken on a more tropical thing at their internet bingo site and now you have the opportunity to go tropical with bTombola/b Bingo by entering a simply competition at their site. ... A holiday for two adults and two children to Grand Baie, Mauritius for seven nights including flights and transfers to holiday location; The accommodation is a two bedroom apartment at the all inclusive Canonnier bhotel/b in Grand Baie ...
Another sandspit, or "btombolo/b", was also built up by the sea currents, to the south thus forming a lagoon, the Laguna di Ortobello, between the "island" and the mainland. The scenery of the Monte Argentario, which reaches 635 metres at b.../b
la vida es 1 btombola tombola/b tom tom tom bola d luz y d color ....jijij q mona iji jo dibuja a marcelino pan y vino ijii muy xulo. 6:33 AM; Blogger Aurora said... está preciosa, peero...como no lleve lentillas ahora..sus ojos son azules b.../b